
What trends were presented at the Guangdong Furniture Fair in August?

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In August, two sessions into one of the three major furniture exhibitions in Guangdong, affected by the epidemic, came to an end.

From the scene and post-show data, the popularity of the significant exhibitions or quite substantial, everywhere reveals the full recovery of the home furnishing industry, innovation, and continuous good signal.

As the home furnishing industry’s weathervane, the home show has ended, but the home show to show some of the mainstream style, trends but no curtain, they lead the industry, influence dealers to make choices.



minimalist style

The change of style can not be separated from the development of the times and the economic situation.

In 2008, the financial crisis, the trend was a mainly simple style, black, white, and other colors are hot. 2020 epidemic caused by the global economic recession, many luxury brands bankruptcy, withdrawal of stores. The trend of home consumption, a minimalist style popular.

This year’s three major furniture exhibitions in Guangdong (Dongguan, Longjiang, Shenzhen), Italian minimalist, modern Chinese minimalist, American minimalist, etc. can be seen everywhere. Minimalist, new Chinese, extravagant, contemporary fashion and so on are mainstream, walnut, ash wood, slate, natural stone, plating these materials made of furniture delicate, compact, beautiful curvature. However, “minimalist” products “simple is not simple” according to some of the production and technical personnel, minimalist product manufacturing on the application of raw materials and production process requirements are very high, seemingly simple minimalist products on the manufacturing process requirements are very high. The simpler the work, the more complex the production and manufacturing; many minimalist products without superior technology can not be done.

At present, minimalist home have quality assurance but also can do cost-effective, not many. Many factories are either immature process can not be done, or cost a lot of money to do it. Still, the product is not cost-effective, most of the product price is low, but the quality is difficult to protect, rough artistry. Dealers in the decision to do “minimalist” products, to choose rationally.



New material

This year’s exhibition, some related industries with “new materials,” is trying to be applied in the home scene.

The first is the hot “rock plate” before Tanzhou International Ceramics Exhibition, East Peng, new source, Nobel, these ceramic brands a water child launch “rock plate” new products, and actively throw an olive branch to the home furnishing people to make home scene applications, after the August Furniture Fair “rock furniture” frequently appear.

Not only that, search e-commerce sites, “rock plate nursing home furniture” sellers and buyers also rose straight. Although rock slate is applied in the home scene, there are still a process, price, and other aspects of the “immature,” but all parts have shown that its heat is not diminishing. Most importantly, this material not only has hard-core performance; the value is also incredibly easy to present a “minimalist,” “low-key connotation” of the home furnishing effect, in those mentioned above “minimalist style! “Under, can be said to be a great deal.

In addition to the ceramic industry, the new material rock plate to the home industry penetration, aluminum industry with “aluminum home,” stainless steel industry with “stainless steel home” slowly to home applications penetration, these new materials, to the traditional wood furniture-based furniture market into more creative and inspirational, give the industry positive forward power.



High-end customization

In recent years, the custom furniture industry’s growth rate has slowed down, forcing the home furnishing industry segments to take the initiative to upgrade.

All the upgrades are to break through, to expand market share: since the beginning of 2018, the “whole” is for a direction, although the current participants dare to open the whole performance is not much, and relative to the central business, the total contribution is minimal, but its high “growth rate” is expected.

Customized areas, price war, no formaldehyde war, is the primary business moat reinforcement and extension; distinguished from the public-oriented plate custom nursing home furniture, since May this year, the circle discusses the “high-end customization” is in the plate custom products and services can not meet consumer demand. Homogenization of competition is intense under the upgrade war.

During the exhibition, several consecutive industry forums, so that the “high-determined”nursing home furniture people the latest “common topic” around the “high-determined what,” “high-determined how to do,” “high-determined opportunities and challenges facing” and other issues, home furnishings people launched a giant collision of thinking, action, and exploration, “high-determined” is not the future of the custom furniture industry, the new “track,” with the trendsetters “fuel,” need time to test.


The trend is “potential” the momentum is in the success; the movement is “wind,” follow the trend is fleeting.

In the face of a new round of trend changes, dealers are faced with many and complex choices, how to choose the right one for themselves; it takes more effort and wisdom to have a keen judgment of the local market.




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